Agropecuaria la Unión supports and promotes all the folkloric manifestations of the region. The set of beliefs, practices and customs that are traditional, shared and transmitted from generation to generation by the various groups that live in the herd and its surroundings, are part of those values that the company embraces with a strong sense of social responsibility. In the same way, within this great folkloric heritage are included dances, music, legends, tales, crafts, and superstitions of the local culture.
The city of Camaguán was founded in 1768 by the Spanish Capuchin missionary Fray Tomás de Castro, on a dune on the left bank of the Portuguesa River. In this population, perhaps because it is almost in the center, a good part of the manifestations of the plains’ culture converges, which covers eight states or regions of Venezuela. Its landscapes have inspired poems and songs, in addition to the fact that the musician and harpist Juan Vicente Torrealba, considered the main reference of the music of the plains, lived in this place for many years.
Annually in the José Gregorio Hernández Chapel located in Hato Santa Rosa, the commemoration of the birth and passing of the Blessed is held on October 26 and June 29, respectively, with the massive assistance of the faithful of the area.
Coleo is a myth indelibly inscribed in the popular soul of the Llano. It is a festival of courage, joy, and beauty. It is also a livestock technique and sport. To be a good kicker requires special skills: the rider must be lively, elastic, with a good hand and a good eye. The horse must be fast, close, and strong.