Agropecuaria La Unión is a family owned company with deep plains roots, and three generations dedicated to the livestock and agri-food business, located in the “Esteros of Camaguán”, a beautiful natural area of the Guárico state in Venezuela.
The mission of Agropecuaria La Unión consist in the sustainable production and commercialization of food products derived from livestock and agri-food activities, in order to satisfy the demand of target markets with a high sense of social and business responsibility.

Its vision is to lead the sustainable transition of the logistics chain for the production and commercialization of food from the livestock and agro-industrial sector, with the aim of promoting the endogenous development of the surrounding communities and contribute significantly to the decarbonization of planet Earth.

As a company with family tradition and plains roots, Agropecuaria La Unión highly values respect, tolerance, and trust, hence its motto "More than a Team, we are a Family".

In addition to the above, communication, integrity, transparency, solidarity, customer orientation, social and environmental responsibility, and innovation are values that have been treasured by the company for generations.

For Agropecuaria La Unión, more than the livestock and agro-industrial business, it is about the well-being with justice for all that its activity leaves in humanity.